The purpose of the MEDIC Data & Publications Committee is to review, guide, and approve plans to analyze data and distribute findings of the collaborative. The committee seeks to contribute to and advance the body of knowledge about quality care. The committee will assess the feasibility and generalizability of research proposals, ensure the integrity and accuracy of publications utilizing MEDIC data, and promote standards for authorship criteria when multiple individuals are involved in a project.
It is the committee’s policy that:
- All investigators interested in using MEDIC data for research must complete and submit the MEDIC Data Request Form to the MEDIC Coordinating Center statistician.
- Analyses of single-site data may be conducted by either the study team at the individual site or the statistician at the MEDIC Coordinating Center.
- Analyses of multi-site data will be conducted by the MEDIC Coordinating Center statistician in collaboration with investigators and aggregate results will shared with the study team.